Do you know the benefits of dried fruit? - Newyorkina

Do you know the benefits of dried fruit?

by La Newyorkina
We all know that fruit is healthy and that, together with vegetables, it constitutes a group of special relevance in our food pyramid. When we talk about eating fruit you probably think of a tasty piece of fresh fruit, but have you ever thought about all the benefits of eating dried fruit? What's more, I'll tell you something you probably don't know: there's a International Nut and Dried Fruit Council (INC) International Nut and Dried Fruit Council. The INC was born in Reus (yes, yes, right next door) in 1980 and its main objectives are to promote and stimulate the consumption of this type of food, support research in the sector, promote international meetings and appointments and homogenize quality standards. So, it seems that dried fruits are a very healthy appetizer, snack or complement and there are many good reasons to consume them. We can begin to list the benefits of dried fruits by the amount of energy they provide. You know that in La Newyorkina we are great advocates of an active life and this implies a higher energy consumption. A serving of dried fruit (25-50 gr.) brings to our food intake a good dose of vital energy. Its high fiber content makes dried fruits a nutritious food that also satiates us and calms our hunger for hours. Micronutrients are 3 to 5 times more concentrated in dried fruits than in fresh fruits. An excellent contribution of potassium, calcium, iron and vitamins for people who practice sports that involve a long duration. If you are anemic or have lower iron than you should, add a good amount of dried fruits to your diet. Especially apricot kernels. Yes, we will agree that the name does not help to make them appetizing, but the truth is that they contain up to 7 mg. of iron per 100 gr. of product. Dried fruits are very antioxidant, especially those of dark color such as plums, raisins or blueberries, which promotes good cardiovascular health and regulates the level of blood pressure. And focusing on raisins, they help prevent the loss of bone mass caused by diseases such as osteoporosis. In this case, raisins are the star dried fruit, but this does not mean that the others are not also highly recommended to prevent bone diseases . As you can see, dried fruits are a great source of health. Our La Newyorkina granola recipes are always accompanied by a good dose of dried fruit. While this recipe Original features raisins and blueberries, La Newyorkina's Pink adds to its tasty mix strawberries that we cut and dehydrate in our workshop. If you already enjoy breakfasts and snacks based on our original artisan granola (Flavor of the Year 2018), I invite you to try our Pink granola. Those who have tried it have already become hooked on this delicious fusion of sensations on their palate, you can't miss it! Remember that now, if you order three packs of granola on our website (you can combine flavors), shipping is free. It's the perfect occasion to try our Pink granola. We'd love to get your feedback and let us know which of the two flavors you like best!