International Chocolate Day - Newyorkina

International Chocolate Day

by La Newyorkina

International Chocolate Day. La Newyorkina.

Attention sweet lovers! Today, 13 September, is International Chocolate Day, and why today and not any other date on the calendar? Because on this day, but in 1916, Roald Dahl, author of the famous novel Charlile and the Chocolate Factory, published in 1964, was born. In addition, as chance would have it, Milton Snavely Hershey, founder of The Hershey Chocolate Company, the largest chocolate manufacturer in the United States, was also born on 13 September. Thus, in 1995, the French Academy of Master Chocolatiers established today as International Chocolate Day. And so here we are. While most of us mere mortals don't need an excuse or special reason to enjoy one of the world's favourite flavours, today can be a great day to have an extra helping. In fact, today I'm swapping my organic granola Coco & Lemon Friends snack for a Granola Pink bowl with white chocolate and strawberries.

5 interesting facts about chocolate

Do you know when white chocolate was first marketed? In 1936, taking advantage of the overproduction of powdered milk to feed soldiers during the Great War, a large multinational food company put this chocolate on the market. Which country is the world's leading producer of chocolate? Seventy percent of world production comes from West Africa, with Côte d'Ivoire and Ghana being the main cocoa producers. Which countries consume the most chocolate per year? Switzerland leads the ranking (9KG), followed by Germany (7.9KG), Ireland and the UK (7.5KG), Norway (6.6KG) and Sweden (5.4%). Spain ranks 13th (around 2 kilos per year). Cardiovascular health Dark chocolate helps dilate the arteries and promotes blood flow and prevents the build-up of plaque on artery walls. Did you know that chocolate is a great relaxant? And not just for the pleasure we get from eating it. The smell of chocolate increases theta brain waves, which induce relaxation. In addition, its consumption stimulates the release of endorphins. If, after reading all this, you've got an irrepressible urge to eat chocolate, it's normal. I suggest you go to your nearest grocery shop to get a packet of our Granola Pink and make yourself a bowl of white chocolate granola, strawberries and macadamia nuts with Greek yoghurt. That's the best way to celebrate the International Chocolate Day. Happy Chocolate Day!