Granola + figs, the perfect pairing - Newyorkina

Granola + figs, the perfect pairing

by La Newyorkina
Granola is like a cowboy, it goes with everything. You can add it to natural yogurt, drink it with milk or vegetable drinks or incorporate it as a topping crunchy in your salads. The result in either case is very tasty. However, I have to confess that my favorite combination is, without a doubt, granola + fruits. Granola with blueberries, granola with raspberries, granola with kiwi... The best of granola and the best of fruit in a single dish, can you ask for more? Going back to the jeans simile, in the same way that we combine this garment with a T-shirt in summer or a sweater in winter, it is best to accompany granola with seasonal fruit at all times. So, with this autumn just started, I'm going to propose the perfect pairing for this season: granola + figs. And why? Because figs, besides being a delicious seasonal fruit, have numerous benefits for our health. What are the benefits of figs? Figs are the fruit richest in calcium. Dairy products are very popular as a source of calcium, however, there are other foods that can help us cover our calcium needs, such as figs. Figs reduce blood pressure. They have a high potassium content, which helps to reduce high blood pressure levels y decreasing the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death in Spain and a correct diet can help us to lower the level of risk. Who would not want to introduce into their diet foods that are especially beneficial for cardiovascular health? From today, and throughout the autumn, include figs in your shopping list. In addition to the benefits for our heart, potassium also promotes cardiovascular health. muscle mass generation and the regulation of body fluids, making figs a food of great nutritional value. diuretic effect. Thanks to the pectin, the consumption of figs will help you to control your cholesterol levels. Pectin is a soluble fiber, easily absorbed by the body, which contributes to lowering the amounts of LDL (commonly known as bad cholesterol) in the blood. Figs are an excellent source of iron that will help you fight anemia, and they also contain natural sugars that will boost your energy levels and your mood even higher. Make yourself a bowl of yogurt, granola and figs before your workout - the best fuel you can give your body to help it perform at its best! Its high fiber content improves intestinal transit. The consumption of figs is recommended for those people who suffer from heavy digestions as they act as a digestive aid. great stomach protector thanks to enzymes that are very beneficial for protecting the pancreas. Its great contribution of antioxidants will help your organism to fighting free radicalsthus preventing not only premature aging, but also degenerative diseases and cancer, especially colon cancer. granola-fig As you can see, there are many benefits of consuming figs and we are at the best time to enjoy some delicious fresh figs. Add them to your granola La Newyorkina! Have you already tried this combination? What seasonal fruit do you pair your granola with?