Yesterday was a very important day for us.
Granola La NewyorkinaDespite its short life, it has already received an award. We told you about it last week
our artisanal granola has been distinguished as FLAVOR OF THE YEAR 2018.
Receiving an award is always a great joy, who doesn't like a sweet, right? But of course, if your product is tested and approved FLAVOR OF THE YEAR 2018 by a jury of consumers, things take on a different dimension because any award pleases, but when it is the consumers who recognize it, the satisfaction is much greater.
After all, every day we work with effort and care so that our Mediterranean granola reaches our customers with a guarantee of maximum quality. Our goal is that every spoonful of granola you try will be for you an explosion of flavor that will provoke in you something like
a Stendhal syndrome of taste. And well, judging by the results of the blind tasting to which the jury subjected our granola when it was selected as a candidate for FLAVOR OF THE YEAR 2018, we are close to having achieved it.
The 2018 TASTE OF THE YEAR award ceremony took place in Valencia, in the
AINIA technology center. The best of the national food scene was there: Central Lechera Asturiana, Valor, El Pozo, Plátano de Canarias... just to name a few of the big names that have been present in our pantries for years.
You can imagine that, in such a scenario, a brand like ours, less than a year old and with a handmade product, attracted the attention of many who did not hesitate to highlight our merit. Infinite gratitude to all those who have been able to recognize our effort and maximum pride for those who have contributed every day so that granola La Newyorkina can rub shoulders with the greats of the national food industry.
The event had a markedly professional character, but it was truly emotional. At least, that's how we experienced it. I suppose it is something like the feeling that children have when they experience things for the first time, or the satisfaction they feel when they accumulate achievements that until then were only within the reach of the older ones.
Pure emotion.
Here are some pictures to share with you our great joy. Although Pelayo, the most visible head of this great adventure, was in charge of collecting the award, this reward also belongs to many more people.
Special mention to the rest of the La Newyorkina team.Carmen Álvarez, Esther Brun, Mónica Valdés and Angélica Chamorro and an infinite thank you to all those who believed in this madness: clients, distributors, consumers, suppliers and prescribers.
We wish that you continue to believe in us and continue to enjoy for many more years what is already one of the flavors of 2018. We promise to keep working every day to make it so.