Do you lead too sedentary a life? - Newyorkina

Do you lead too sedentary a life?

by La Newyorkina
I would bet that right now your body is in a comfortable sitting position, right? Maybe you're at work, on the couch at home, or on public transportation. Have you ever stopped to think about all the time you spend in a sedentary posture? You may do some physical activity, you probably even do it every day, but have you calculated how many hours of exercise you do versus the hours you spend not moving? If you do, you'll see that the scales are clearly out of balance, especially if you have an office job. Our bodies are designed to move. Yes, even if we love to lie on the couch on a rainy Sunday afternoon and don't move for hours. A sedentary behavior is one that requires less than 1.5 METs. "Oh dear, what's that about METs?" You were thinking it, weren't you? Let me explain. A MET(metabolic equivalent of task) is the unit of measurement of metabolic rate. For example, taking a walk requires 2.5 METs while swimming a butterfly requires 11. Do you think that by going to the gym two days a week you don't have a sedentary lifestyle? Sorry to tell you, but you're not right. According to the WHO, 60% of us don't do the minimum amount of physical activity. Think about it, how many times have you taken the car or the bus when you could walk? Spending many hours sitting down is harmful even if you do sport afterwards. Therefore, you should start by getting up from your seat every 45-60 minutes to move your body and stretch your legs. Three minutes will be enough and you will notice the change. You will be doing yourself a big favor and your body will thank you enormously. It has been proven that daily exercise does not compensate for the amount of hours we spend at rest and, therefore, does not prevent us from cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, obesity, etc. You know that in La Newyorkina we are great advocates of a balanced diet and an active life so, from this small corner of the world, we invite our readers to move their bodies to banish sedentary life once and for all. A sedentary lifestyle entails significant risks. Loss of muscle mass, poor circulation, weaker bones, hormonal imbalances, inflammation... I'm sure that on more than one occasion you have felt your body swelling or back pain. Your body is warning you that you are moving too little. Listen to it. The World Health Organization recommends a minimum of 150 minutes of moderate physical activity per week. From those 150 minutes you will feel better physically and mentally and you will start to notice all the benefits of an active life. Don't you think it's worth it? Nowadays there is a wide range of sports activities, both in groups and individually. Outdoor or indoor sports. You no longer have an excuse not to give your body the movement it needs. You already know, get moving! And always accompany your exercise with a good portion of homemade granola and fruits to fill you up with energy. ;)