September 1st. September 1st, along with January 1st, is the date par excellence when we all set new goals. Although "back to school" is a bit far away, the beginning of a new academic year also provokes a desire to do what we wanted to do and have been procrastinating for different reasons. Who has not signed up for a language course in September? Who has not enrolled in that course they always wanted to do but never did? Who has not decided to quit smoking or start a diet at the end of summer? And the million dollar question, who hasn't joined a gym in September?
September, that great month in which we intend to purge our troubled consciences.
Let's take advantage of the fact that bodies and minds are more receptive to changes in routines to tell you about the many advantages of starting to train. You know that in La Newyorkina we are big fans of healthy and active life and we never miss an opportunity to evangelize (or try to) to everyone who visits our blog.
Let's start with the main reason why you should start training. One of the most obvious and certainly the most important:
training will make you happy. And we don't say so, but the serotonin that our brain produces and releases after the practice of a physical activity. And what is serotonin? Well, in a less scientific but very graphic definition, we will tell you that serotonin is the hormone of happiness. We all want an extra dose of daily happiness, right? Well, exercise and you'll get it.
Another benefit of training is
constant improvement. Well, here we must make a clarification, improvement will come if you work hard (going to the gym to chat doesn't count J). As we assume that you are going to work hard to improve, congratulations, you will not only notice a physical change but you will also see how certain daily gestures or actions become less difficult. Carrying weight, climbing stairs, running to catch the bus... in short, those little things that we have to do on a daily basis will be much lighter if we are trained.
For improvement to occur, you need to set goals and have some discipline to achieve them. Here is one more advantage. You will be able to extrapolate your discipline in training and it
will be easier for you to define objectives and set goals in any other aspect of your life.
Need more reasons to start doing some physical activity now? Okay, I'll give them to you. Exercise (done right)
will improve your posture. If you work your musculature well, it will strengthen and help your back to be more supported and, consequently, straighter. Personally, this is one of the great benefits I have experienced since I started practicing sports. There are disciplines much more linked to postural correction such as
Yoga, Pilates or Body Balance. However, working with weights in the weight room (always ask the instructors for advice so that they can recommend the ideal exercises for this purpose and tell you how to perform them correctly) or directed activities such as Body Pump will also help you to keep your back much straighter.
And, closely linked to this benefit, we find the following:
injury prevention. Logically, injuries are less likely to occur in a body with a more muscular and strong musculature. In addition, maintaining a good posture beyond the gym will reduce your back problems, one of the most common ailments that you have surely suffered on more than one occasion.
I'm sure you've got an irrepressible desire to get out of the house to do the first sport that comes your way, haven't you?
Get moving because your body and mind will thank you!
Bonus track: Before a good workout, nothing like a good snack based on Granola La Newyorkina. It's delicious and you'll perform better.;)