La Newyorkina, handmade and ecological granola. 4 flavors for you.

Elige tu GranOla

entre nuestros 11 sabores que te encantarán

Before a tough day, make your breakfast easier. Overnights.

Overnights? What is it, another type of GranOla? No, not at all, it’s an R&D innovation which La Newyorkina and Fitness Revolucionario have carried out…and you’ll say, well Overnights sounds like a Bruce Springsteen song to me, hang on a sec, this won’t work because with these examples the millennials won’t get it.

So, if Auntie asks me what Overnights are I’d tell her; so you know that British porridge? We’ve had a rethink though and improved it, we've added proteins and superfoods like chia and blueberry powder and what’s more, we suggest you take it cold, leave it to rest in your fridge so the oats and the chia are hydrated and become softer and taste better, so you can eat it when you come from VIP or take it In your shaker to work, to the Gym, CrossFit Box, bike, metro or metaverse.


9,90 €


9,90 €


9,90 €

Barritas de fruta prensada

3 sabores para aportarte toda la energía que necesitas.

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